India has had great success with the corona virus. In India, scientists are not only identifying the strain in patients with ever-increasing coronary infections, but will also be successful in isolating it. Scientists from the Pune-based National Institute of Virology have confirmed this.
So far in the US, Japan, Thailand and China, there are four countries in the world that have had success in this regard. Scientists from the Indian Ayurveda Council have examined the strain in Wuhan after confirming the strain in infected patients in Jaipur and in Agra. The strain found in Indian patients resembles that of Wuhan.
In fact, 81 people have been infected so far due to the corona virus. Including 17 foreign nationals. Most of the patients are from abroad. Some people who come in contact with these people also get infected. So far 65 laboratories have been set up across the country for corona virus testing. A laboratory capacity of about 90 samples is examined here. So far, 6500 samples have been tested in 5900 people. In which 81 cases have come positive.
ICMR Pune scientist Priya Abraham says that confirming the Corona virus has been the biggest success in India. India has crossed the first stage to protect the epidemic. He said the strain has been isolated after examining the virus in six Italian patients found in Jaipur and six patients in Agra. The suspected strain found in India has been compared to the strain in Wuhan. Corona virus needs to be identified to prevent this epidemic. This is one of the first stages, when the vaccine and the drug are started.
India has become the fifth country to succeed in this kind of discovery, scientists say. Scientists are now moving in search of the vaccine. At the same time, he said, people need the cooperation at such times. If all goes well and is in control, the Corona will be rocked in 30 days.
NEW DELHI: North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un has ordered a dispute again, ordering a strange order. He has taken a very dangerous step to stop the spread of the Corona virus in his country. According to an International Business Times report, Kim Jong Un has ordered this. The dictator, Kim Jong Un, in his new order said that if corona virus is infected in the country, it should be shot instead of treated.
According to the report, a North Korean businessman who returned from China has been ordered to shoot. Kim Jong Un has ordered that the virus not be transmitted to anyone other than the victim.
Coronary virus kills 3,000 people so far
It is reported that many countries in the world have been hit by Korra wire. The virus has killed more than 3,000 people. More than 86,000 people suffer from the disease.
The National Health Commission (NHC) said the most corona virus has been affected in Hubei province. The virus began to spread in December last year from Wuhan, the capital. The World Health Organization has named the infectious disease COVID-19.
The virus killed 2870 people in China. Due to this, the market has seen a drastic decline over the past few weeks. However, its outbreak still continues in Hubei.
The coronary virus that has become epidemic has wreaked havoc all over the world. The World Health Organization has declared the novel coronary virus a major disease. Many people have lost their lives due to the outbreak and many are suffering from the outbreak of the corona virus. News of relief has come in the midst of fear.
Amid the horrors of the Corona virus, Israel has claimed that it has discovered vaccines to fight a deadly disease like the Corona virus. Moreover, the proposal to send the vaccine to other countries will be carried out soon. Scientists at the Israeli Institute for Biological Research have found a breakthrough to fight this deadly disease. The institute claims that the Corona virus vaccine has been made and soon it will receive official recognition.
Israeli Minister of Defense Neftali Bennett says that our scientists have discovered the nature of the virus by searching on the Corona virus. At the same time, it has succeeded in getting to know the Corona's biological system by studying it closely. Talking to a local news paper, the Israeli Defense Ministry found that developing a corona virus resistant will take time, but its use will soon be successful. Over 50 experienced scientists are involved in the vaccine work. After the vaccine is made, we will be sent to the US FDA for Chinese drug control, then the vaccine will be sent to WHO for approval. Corona can then be shipped to the affected countries.