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Although there are many theories and misconceptions about the spread of the Corona virus in China, the Internet is available to the West, but Russia blames Western countries for the virus. Russia's Channel One is discussing the subject in its prime-time show 'Remya'. According to the TV channel, Western countries, especially the US, are conspiring against the spread of the Corona virus in China.
Donald Trump Responsible for Corona Virus Propaganda!
The TV channel's program stated that Donald Trump was responsible for promoting the Corona virus. Because he always presides over the beauty pageant and gives this crown to the winner. 'Corona' is a Latin word and in the Russian language it means crown. According to the BBC, scientists gave the virus the name Corona because it looks like the Crown in appearance.
Corona Virus Artificially Prepared?
Remya's presenters, however, completely reject the idea. Experts on the channel say that the Corona virus has been artificially created and the US intelligence agencies and pharmaceutical companies are behind it. Russia has an atmosphere of alarm over the Corona virus. Russia has reduced rail and air services heading to China. Prayer for Coronation Virus Prayed at a Church in Moscow
Biological weapons being tested on people in US labs?
According to Russian newspaper Vedomosti, people's temperature was checked before President Vladimir Putin participated in a program. Earlier, Russian media and officials claimed that a laboratory was set up in Georgia, USA, where a person was tested with biological weapons. A Channel One representative said the Corona virus had spread because of a test in the United States. Because only Asian citizens appear in it. This can be a kind of biological weapon. The United States is also administering the virus vaccine, so as to cut profits and weaken the rival China's economy.
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