Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said, "Even though our party is very small, why is BJP bringing such big leaders to the Delhi assembly elections?" He said that when the Chief Minister of Gujarat was giving a speech in one place, someone told him that when the amount of electricity per unit of electricity is given in Gujarat, his answer was 10 rupees. He said that electricity was being provided free in Delhi. Similarly, Haryana Chief Minister Manoharlal Khattar also came to Delhi to attend a rally. Someone asked him how many hours electricity is provided in Haryana, he said, 10 hours. So he got the answer, in Delhi, electricity is provided for 24 hours.
So in response to the question asked on Shaheen Bagh, Arvind Kejriwal said, "Can a strong man like Amit Shah not open the way?" In fact, they do not want to open the way. Because it only benefits them. If I had the power, Shaheen would open the garden path in 2 hours. BJP wants to contest the entire election on Shaheen Bagh, after the election, the issue will be settled.
Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal had said, "I do not have a 'law and order', I cannot open the way." What do I do when those who are against CAA and NRC go there? This is a central government issue. There have been firing 3 times. He (the central government) has endangered the legal system of the country's capital to win an election. BJP is doing dirty politics on Shaheen Bagh. If we had the police, we would have opened the way. The people of Delhi are very clever. Only the government that has worked will vote. The country's progress will come from education. They are ready to implement life expectancy in Delhi. Pollution has reduced in Delhi. We have come out of the Anna movement and have sat down for the masses.
Ahmedabad Civil Hospital is suspected to have a positive case of corona virus, sources claim, after the Lunavada man returned from Mecca-Madi, after which the suspected symptoms of corona virus were reported to have been hospitalized in a civil hospital in Ahmedabad.
Sources claim that B.J. The report of this person has been positive in the Medical College Laboratory, which is why a sample of blood has been sent to Pune's Virology Institute for re-examination, on the other hand, a suspect returning from Canada has been admitted to civil isolation on Tuesday.
Why did the sample need to be sent to Pune despite being reported in Ahmedabad? Samples have been sent to Pune so the report is positive? In that regard, Superintendent of Civil Hospital Dr. Gunavant Rathore said, "No, this person is suspicious right now. It is often the case that the report does not get 3 percent results."
Hospital sources claim that samples of the person's coronavirus virus have been sent back to Pune for testing again, while a male patient from Surendranagar has been admitted to the isolation ward on Tuesday for suspicious symptoms of coronas, according to hospital sources. The report will most likely arrive on Wednesday.
Pregnant dies in Dubai from Porbandar: PM after report of Corona suspicion
A pregnant woman from Porbandar, just ten days before Dubai, died late in the evening during delivery today. Samples have been collected and sent to Jamnagar on suspicion of corona virus and the body of the woman has been kept at the civil hospital coldroom till the report is made. However, the pregnant woman gave birth to a baby before she died, which is perfectly healthy.
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